Friday, November 11, 2011

Fiona Friday - Space Ace Has Landed

This is the only photo I've managed to take of Fiona, since we returned from vacation. She must have been spaced out, since she almost never sticks around when the camera comes out. Izzy, on the other hand, has posed so many times that I will probably insert an Isabel photo or two into coming posts.

©2011 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery and Babble or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email for written permission to reproduce text or photos.


  1. She looks like she's in a trance.

  2. Kathy,

    Exactly. Totally spaced. LOL

  3. Yeah, it makes me want to snap my fingers in front of her face. ;)

  4. Jenny,

    You'd either get a pained look or a tail in the face if you did!

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    he looks like you could use her as a bookend.

  6. Ms. Fizz,

    Note that there are books behind her, to the right.

  7. That is a very intense look!

  8. I think it's more of a glazed look, Alyce. LOL

  9. Wow. Those eyes!

    I popped in to tell you that I just finished Joe by Larry Brown. OMG. Incredible. Beautiful writing, the most wretched characters!

  10. Bybee,

    Oh, I need to read Joe! I adored Larry Brown and was heartbroken when he died. You probably knew that, right?


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