Saturday, January 07, 2017

Fiona Friday on the Wrong Day

We had a new experience, this week. Isabel was whining at me because she was bored, so I decided to look up squirrel videos for cats. Boy, was that a hit! She watched the video I loaded (which had both a squirrel and a robin) at least 4 or 5 times and tried to turn the iPad back on when I decided she'd had enough. I'm glad to have an extra option besides dangling strings and rolling jingle balls because Izzy is an active kitty who sometimes goes a little nuts when she can't decide what to do.

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  1. I should try this for Belly. She gets so restless especially in the winter when she can't go outside at all. In the summer I'll let her wander in the backyard. I keep a close eye on her, don't worry.

    1. I do worry, of course. I can't even count the number of friends who have had indoor/outdoor kitties go missing, in the past couple of years. I'm glad you keep an eye on her. I did that with my Spooky, as she got older. I tried to make her an indoor kitty but failed. It definitely helped a restless Isabel. I guess any stimulation is better than none. She really enjoyed it and even got a little worn out.

    2. The "it" that helped restless Isabel being the video. I kind of blended my thoughts, there.

  2. I am going to try this with Chloe! I never think of it, but she follows the cursor on my computer and chases snowflakes through the window. I am curious what she would think of a squirrel. lol

    1. Go for it! Isabel has always liked cat fishing, too. If you haven't given that a try, definitely look it up sometime when she's bored. I no longer have it - never loaded it to my new iPad - but now and then I'll come across the old iPad and start it up for her. It's a blast.

  3. Hope they love it as much as my Izzy does!


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