Sunday, April 10, 2011

Going unplugged for a few days

I can't seem to get interested in either reading or writing, at the moment, so I'm going to take a brief blogging break. I have about 5 books and a DNF to write about, so I don't plan to stay away for long -- just till my motivation has shut down and rebooted. Hopefully, that'll only be a few days, at most. See you soon!


  1. We all need a break now and then. You come back rejuvenated. We are here!

  2. It sounds like you have spring fever! Enjoy your time away.

  3. We'll miss you. Hang in there and I hope that life keeps you busy. May your next book be a winner!

    I'm starting Standardized tests this week with my students. I want to more than unplug!!! Is it summer yet?!?!?

    Hug the kitties for me.

    Sending you prayers, thoughts and smiles....;)

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Nancy, I think this is a smart thing to do as the mood strikes. Take care and have a good break.

  5. I took a break over the weekend and have come back refreshed and energized, so I know what a little break can do for you. Enjoy your time unplugged!

  6. A break can make all the difference in the world - I hope yours is fun and relaxing!

  7. A good break is called for now and then. Enjoy some time away from the pressure of reading/reviewing!

  8. Enjoy your break! Hope you come back nice and refreshed.

  9. Take it easy! Relax. Come back refreshed!

  10. I just wrote a post about a girls' camp where they have month-long sessions and allow NO ipads, ipods, computers, cell phones, etc. etc.
    None. As they say: everyone needs a break.

    We'll just think of you being away at camp for a spell. Hope you enjoy and come back refreshed!

  11. Hope you are enjoying your break! Are you reading something good? :)

  12. I just took a short break as well...and feel much better now. Sometimes taking a break from blogging just gives me the extra time I need to just relax and read. Hope you enjoy your time away!

  13. Maybe I can catch up on all your earlier posts before you return! :) I've been away from my computer a lot these past few weeks.


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