Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Animal Expressions by Judith Hamilton

Animal Expressions by Judith Hamilton is a small (large postcard sized, about 6" x 4") book of wildlife photography with quotations on the opposite side of each spread. The quotation opposite the cover photo, for example, says this:

In art and dreams, you may proceed with abandon. 
In life, you must proceed with stealth.
--Patti Smith

At only 72 pages in length and such a compact size, my first thought when I read it was, "Stocking stuffer!" It is, in fact, the perfect size for a stocking stuffer for the nature lover in your world. My eyes are getting old, so I'd love to see a larger version of Animal Expressions. It appears to be self-published, though, so I imagine that's where the size choice comes in. All of the photos are sharp, expressive, and beautiful. Even though it's small, it would be nice to plunk on a coffee table for guests to flip through.

Recommended - Gorgeous photos, fitting quotations, and half of the proceeds of Animal Expressions will go to a good cause: the Wildlife Conservation Society, where the photographer author has been a trustee for 15 years. Definitely perfect for gift-giving.

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  1. Yay! Christmas idea! My youngest son is my nature lover. I can't wait to show it to him.

  2. This would make a great stocking stuffer. I love the picture on the cover of course.

    1. They're all like that - gorgeous photos. I love getting little books like that in my stocking. I have a few that I keep on the shelves to just pull out and flip through when I need to look at something beautiful.


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