Wednesday, December 01, 2010

1 + 1 = 5 by LaRochelle & Sexton

1 + 1 = 5 and Other Unlikely Additions
by David LaRochelle
Illus. by Brenda Sexton
Copyright 2010
Sterling Kids - ages 4-8
32 pages

I sent my copy of 1 + 1 = 5 to a friend who expressed interest in using the book in her classroom, so I can't quote from it but I'll give you an idea what "Other Unlikely Additions" means. Say, you take 1 family of cats that contains a mother cat, a father cat and a kitten and add them to a dog family that contains a mother dog and one pup. 1 cat family + 1 dog family = 5 animals. That's the kind of wacky addition you'll find in 1 + 1 = 5.

When I first opened the book, I thought it was a little strange but I must have been in one of my moods. The second time I read it, I fell in love with the bold, brightly-colored illustrations and realized that the idea of adding groups together is one we all eventually learn and why not make the learning fun and colorful? For youngsters, 1 + 1 = 5 will give them a head start on the kind of critical thinking involved in grouping sets together and will also give reader and child a lot of laughs. The book is really quite funny. The friend who inherited my copy read it to her 6-year-old and they both gave it a big thumbs-up.

Note #1: Reviewers at Amazon used the words fresh, imaginative and cleverly illustrated. One added that it's not "babyish". I agree with those reviewers 100% and thought you'd like to hear their thoughts in addition to my own.

Note #2 from the author: "If any teachers or librarians are interested, there is a free teaching guide and plenty of extension activities for 1 + 1 = 5 at my website,"

Many thanks to Sterling for this unexpected review book!

©2010 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery and Babble, you are reading a stolen feed. Email for written permission to reproduce text or photos.


  1. Thanks for the nice review of my book, Nancy! If any teachers or librarians are interested, there is a free teaching guide and plenty of extension activities for 1 + 1 = 5 at my website,

    Best wishes,

    David LaRochelle

  2. David,

    Thanks so much for sharing that information (and you're welcome -- glad you liked my review). I'll add a link to my review, tomorrow. I should not be up so late. I need my beauty sleep. :)


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