Friday, February 10, 2012

Fiona Friday - Isabel Reviews Paranormal

Isabel's one-sentence review: Paranormal is yummy!

Appearances aside, no innocent books were injured or killed in the making of this book review.

©2012 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery and Babble or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email for written permission to reproduce text or photos.


  1. She's even showing her "fangs."

    1. Yes, really kind of shocking that she didn't do any damage, isn't it?

  2. Hehehehehe…You're gonna need to invest in some book bandaids…or INVENT THEM!! You'd make millions by book lovers!

    1. LOL Book bandaids! I love it. This was a much more positive experience than last night's attack on a water bottle. Do you know what to call a water bottle that's been through a kitty attack? A sprinkler system. Water *everywhere*. Thank goodness there were no books nearby.

  3. Apparently, Isabel is like the rest of us bibliophiles: she loves to sink her teeth into a good book. Smart, smart kitty.

  4. LOL your 'disclaimer' is my favorite part!

  5. She's so feisty!

    1. She certainly is. I could have done without her trying to climb into the high window above the bed while the blinds were closed, this morning. She managed, but involved a bit of worrying on Mom's part and a little tap dancing on my forehead.

  6. A light snack to end the day right, it seems!

    1. Haha. Honestly, the girl cannot say I don't feed her enough. I think she's perpetually teething. LOL

  7. Hmmm, if Izzy was a baby or Elle was a cat our babies (fur or otherwise) could be interchangeable in this picture...

    1. Yeah, she's very much like a little teething kiddo, for sure. It's kind of nerve-wracking, actually. I dropped a pill on the floor and found that she'd eaten half of it, last week, so I went dashing off to read up on whether or not it was toxic to cats (it wasn't; it just gave her a tummy ache). Husband is still irritated with her for shredding a little foam truck he got at a trade fair. Duh, if it hadn't been on the floor it would have been fine.

  8. Good for you. It's important to have opinions. ;)

  9. Very thoughtful review, Isabel!! Tasty, too!

    1. Isabel would do high paws with you (she likes to stretch herself up and reach out with one paw -- I stick out my hand to touch her paw and say, "Kitty high five") but you're just a bit too far away.


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