Monday, November 26, 2012

Who's Looking at You? and Tushes and Tails by Stephane Frattini

My copies of . . . 

Who's Looking at You? by Stephane Frattini and . . . 

Tushes and Tails by Stephane Frattini both arrived from Sterling Kids in August and both my husband and I were completely besotted.  Usually, the spouse just ignores the children's books but he actually sat and looked through these with a smile on his face.  Who's Looking at You? and Tushes and Tails! are large flap books.  I took a couple inside photos to show you the size and quality.  The first is a photo of a spread before the flaps have been opened.  I placed a ball point pen on one page as a reference to size.  

The second photo shows the flap of the above left photo, opened.  The snail image was one of my favorites.  I had never seen a snail up close and personal and actually said, "Oh.  That is so cool!" aloud, when I opened it.  The flaps are pretty sturdy and you can see by looking above that there's a good 1/2" of glued margin.  From our experience, flap books tend not to last too long.  So, I'd try to keep little hands from tugging on the pages, but the text is brief and informative so both books are super for on-the-lap reading time.  The recommended age range is 2-5.

Tushes and Tails! and Who's Looking at You? are both highly recommended.  Beautiful, often surprising photographs, just the right amount of information in a nice, bold print that's easy to read and a nice sturdy feel to the flaps make both books winners.  And, actually, they'd make excellent gifts if you're looking for books for preschoolers.  

©2012 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery and Babble or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email for written permission to reproduce text or photos.


  1. They both sound really good!

    1. They're wonderful, Kelly! I think I might have to hang onto these two for future grandkids!

  2. Aw, they both look wonderful!

    1. They're terrific. Need grandchildren!! Must not beg. Must not beg.

  3. I love books about animals, and even if they are geared toward the younger set, I still love to look at the pictures and marvel over the creative aspects of nature. Great post today. These look like a lot of fun!

    1. Me, too, Heather! I'm a big animal fan and love to look at nature photos. I totally adore these books. Usually, I pass on children's books because we have no little ones around but I'm hanging onto these two.


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