Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fiona Friday on the Wrong Day - Lap Kitty!

For a very long time I thought neither of my two kitty girls were going to be lap kitties but Fiona kindly has proven me wrong. She requires a blanket for kneading (or "making biscuits" as some people call it). I also require the blanket because those claws are sharp.

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  1. Awww...Fiona looks like she is really concentrating on those biscuits! lol

  2. My newest kitty Belly has a favorite blanket that she kneads and sucks on. Silly kitty.

    1. Our dearly-departed Miss Sunshine sucked on blankets. It's supposedly bad behavior but I didn't care. It made her happy. :) Cats are such fun.

  3. She is sooo cute!!

    1. Thanks! I think so, too, but I'm biased. :)


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