Friday, May 27, 2016

Fiona Friday - Caught snuggling

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  1. Fi does not look amused at being caught. My cats never sit this close!

    1. Fi was actually the one who didn't mind the photography, for once! Hard to tell with cats, I know. I love the way mine snuggle. Our last two, Sunshine and Spooky, didn't like each other and would never have gotten so close. It's dramatically more pleasant having two cats who get along, let me tell ya.

  2. Aw! My cats cuddle but then they also fight... Finn was REALLY picking on Casey last night and it was getting borderline too much. Thankfully Referee Mackie is always there to step in... lol

    1. Mine fight, too, but most of the time it's harmless play-fighting. If they start to get too mean, I can usually stop things by either stepping in between them or shaking a little beanbag pillow (if they're in the bedroom). Fiona is scared to death of the beanbag pillow, even though it's light as air, so just the sound of it will knock some sense into her and she'll run out of the room. It's pretty funny.

  3. My cats don't snuggle. They get close, then start biting each other. Your little dudes look so cute!

    1. I know what that's like. Our Sunshine made overtures of friendship to Spooky when Sunshine (younger by two years) was a kitten but Spooky was so disinterested that eventually Sunshine took to jumping on her sister with claws. One of those attacks led to an e-coli skin infection that abscessed and took months to get rid of. I didn't even realize Miss Spooky was unwell until one of the kids came home from college (Eldest, I think) and observed that she'd lost weight. Boy, did I feel awful. Anyway, thanks! We know how fortunate we are to have kitties who get along well, this time! I absolutely love catching them cuddling.


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