Friday, September 02, 2016

Fiona Friday - What's happening over there?

Turns out if was just sister Isabel getting into things. She eventually settled nearby. The red bucket next to Fiona is one of the kitties' toyboxes. They're great about digging in the toybox and pulling out toys but not so hot at putting them away.

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  1. Ha ha! Great picture. My cats are good at pulling their toys out too. If only we could teach them to put them away.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I think that's about like the hope that one day the husband will learn how to rinse dishes and load a dishwasher properly. Just not happening.

  2. Mackie eats the cats toys so mostly he is the only one with toys... He digs around until he finds what he wants and then I put them away several times a day. (Stepping on some of the bones and things HURTS! lol)

    1. Aw, poor kitties. And, poor feet!


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