Monday, September 25, 2017

No malarkey

I haven't been reading or receiving enough books to feel like a Malarkey post is worthwhile, this week, so Monday Malarkey will return next week, October 2. In the meantime, here is cat photo of apology (one that just happens to make me smile):

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  1. That photo more than makes up for a lack of posts.

    1. It's a pretty fun picture, isn't it? I got some books, this week, so there will definitely be a Monday Malarkey post, in spite of a very slow couple of reading weeks. I need to get my groove back. Have just not felt like reading much, lately.

  2. Those tabbies all look a lot alike, don't they? I love this picture. She was in a sweet mood and I love the way the phone camera slightly distorted her face. It makes me smile. :)


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