Friday, October 06, 2017

Fiona Friday

Isabel has to come into the bathroom with me, but she also has to consider going out.

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  1. Ha ha! My kitties have a meltdown if I shut the door. Whether they're in or out they just can NOT have the door shut.

    1. I have to shut the door when college kiddo is in town, so I play under-the-door jingle ball with them (I put a jingle ball by the gap at the bottom of the door and kitty will whack the ball . . . I put it back, cat whacks, etc.) OR - so prepared, here - I've got a string hanging out the outer doorknob and when I shut the door it traps the ends on my side. They pull on it from their side and I tug back. But, they're still not happy about being shut out! LOL

  2. I think we just underestimate how companionable cats really are. I used to think they were "stand-offish", the general assumption. But, then I got cats of my own and mine have always been incredibly dog-like. They follow me around, nap near me, go to the bathroom with me, etc. They are super buddies.


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