Thursday, December 03, 2020

Back soon

I have literally run out of books to review because of my recent reading slump so I'm going to take a short break from the blog to read until I have plenty to write about. Back soon!

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  1. There's something odd about reading my regular books during this disturbing time. I hope you are able to get out of your slump, Nancy.

    1. I understand how you feel, Debbie. It's an unsettling time, hard to concentrate and nothing feels quite normal. Thanks! Here's hoping this horror ends soon!

  2. Hope to see you again soon! Love the picture, btw. Makes me wants to break out the scrabble board tonight.

    1. I'll be back, Jeane. I just need to narrow my focus for a while to see if that helps me actually finish some books. I know what you mean about the Scrabble tiles! I never get to play it because my husband's dyslexic so I bought some old wooden tiles to use for message photography, as I did here. I love Scrabble. Have fun if you do break out that Scrabble board!


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