I'm having a whale of a time trying to get images to go where I want them to, so I'll just stop messing with them and tell you about my reading week. I finished two books, last week: The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley and Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris. Both were terrific reads for entirely different reasons. I believe tomorrow is the tour date for Festival of Death (one of the books in the new Dr. Who Classics series), so you won't have long to wait for that review.
Three books arrived:
I've already read the ARC and written some thoughts about Simon Van Booy's latest book, The Illusion of Separateness but not a review that discusses plot and all that jazz.
What I received this week was a finished hardback copy that I pre-ordered as soon as it was possible to pre-order. It's beautiful and I can't wait to read the book a second time. I'll take notes. This always happens to me: The first time I read one of Simon's books, I become so immersed that I can't bear to stop long enough to pick up a post-it. So, I always have to read them at least twice before I can review. The Illusion of Separateness is no exception.
Simon's Tour Dates - Simon's on tour, at the moment. Go see him if he's near you and tell him Bookfool sent you, please!!! I will not be able to see him on tour, this time, damn it. So disappointed.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman came from HarperCollins for review. I was in the mood for a quick and spooky read, yesterday, so this week's first finished read is already done and dusted.
I was thoroughly creeped out.
I loved it.

I read the first chapter of The Bohemian Love Diaries and would have happily continued reading but last week was not the best reading week because my entire family was here -- Eldest down from Nashville, Kiddo still home from school (but he'll be leaving for the second summer session, soon), Kiddo's girlfriend already living with us (boy, did it surprise Eldest to find that C. was here, the morning after she moved in; apparently, we forgot to tell him she's staying for the summer).
That's all beside the point. The first chapter of The Bohemian Love Diaries is really something. Looks like Slash Coleman has led a unique, quirky life that will make for delightful reading. I'm anxious to return to this one.
In other news:
I just checked out one of the local library branches in itty-bitty (but lovely) Raymond, MS. It was as expected. The fiction section consisted of mostly Westerns, romance, Christian fiction, a smattering of popular fiction (usually the kind I dislike) and mysteries, exactly like my last library. Fortunately, there are quite a few branches I've yet to check out, so hopefully I'll be able to find a bit more variety elsewhere.
It's hot and occasionally stormy. Progress on the old house is continuing. The cats are happy. That's about all the news. Happy Monday!
©2013 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email bookfoolery@gmail.com for written permission to reproduce text or photos.
Every time you post about Simon Van Booy, I swear I'm going to check at the library...and then forget. Might as well go ahead and buy a copy!
ReplyDeleteYou know I'm not going to disagree with that plan, Jenclair! :)
DeleteOh I'm looking forward to your review of The Firebird. I've only read one of her books but really liked it.
ReplyDeleteI think I've read 3 of Kearsley's books, now. I loved them all. You've got some fine books to look forward to, Iliana!
DeleteOh man, I want to read ALL of those! You are so hard on my tbr pile ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, that's a good thing, Jennifer! :) Having read 2 out of 3, I can already tell you that 66.666% of them are wonderful. I'll find out about the other one, soon. ;)
DeleteUgh, it's hot here too, but unfortunately, we're not getting the occasional storms :( I WANT STORMS!!! Just not the hurricane kind ;) Send some rain my way if it comes to visit you!
ReplyDeleteSimon's new book sounds so good!!!! I'm going to have to get it when I see it!! Sounds like he didn't listen to you about coming to New Orleans, eh? :p I'm SO excited about Ocean at the End of the Lane!!!!! I'm sure you could guess that ;) I should get my copy tomorrow. I preordered it ages ago through an indie store that's offering singed copies! Hooray :D I found the prologue and first two chapters last night online and got sucked in immediately! I may have to buy the ebook tonight so I can start it immediately. And the memoir looks really good too! You're filling up my wishlist here :p
I guess we just ended up with boring old rain, last night, because I never heard a thing. Or, maybe I just slept well for once. LOL You know how I can tell if it rains overnight? Some of the mulch gets washed out of our garden. Grrrr. Such a pain.
DeleteSimon's new book is great, of course. We didn't actually talk about New Orleans, this time. I think he's keeping his tour brief for personal reasons. Just a guess. I know he has something important to do in July. ;)
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is awesome. How cool that you're getting a signed copy! I know you'll love it. I thought there was much more meaning to TOatEotL than I discerned from the other Gaiman books I read. You will know what I mean when you get to those little tidbits of wisdom.
LOL I love filling up your wishlist!
You're going to meet for coffee some guy named SLASH?!?!
ReplyDeleteLooks like 3 awesome book came into your life this week. I think I've check on the SVB schedule once but can't recall. Will look again.
Now, Carrie, I know you're far too kind to pick on a man because of his name. ;) Yes, we've talked coffee.
DeleteLast week was definitely a great mail week. This week . . . nada, so far. There's a link to Simon's tour dates, above. I can't go because we're working on the Vburg house and will have to dash up to Nashville to bring home some furniture from D & S's house before they move to New Jersey, but maybe I'll get to see him when the son & DIL drag us into NYC (probably next year) That would be cool. Or, maybe you and I could dash up there for grins, someday.
Ouch to the summing up of that branch library's collection! Hope you can request books from a library network and not have to travel far afield for something a little different.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to be par for the course, that collection. Fortunately, we just moved close to the most populous part of our state and our new county has a *lot* of branches. I don't mind driving around to find books, at this point. I'd like to get to know the other libraries! :)