Jamie Durie's The Outdoor Room is one that I didn't actually finish 100%. I loved what I read, but the farther I got into The Outdoor Room, the more I realized I will never have an outdoor room in Mississippi. We have enough trouble with maintenance in the backyard. I can't even begin to imagine fighting poison ivy growing over the walls of a corner set aside for enjoying the outdoors. I would need a lot of help creating that kind of space and making it easy to maintain.
However, I read most of it and I like Durie's ideas for design. They can be carried into your house, as well. The starting point to creating a relaxing space, as described in The Outdoor Room, involves examining your own taste by collecting pictures from magazines, taking photos, etc. of textures, designs and colors that you like and then using the things you love to create the perfect space. I've done similar (collected photos and put them on a bulletin board) but hadn't thought to take pictures of things like, say, ocean or grass or rocks if those are things that appeal to you visually and then trying to figure out how to work the colors and textures you like into a room with other design features.
Durie also talks about things like light (because work spaces tend to be dark, making your outdoor space offset your long, dark days), different types of design, shapes, plants to use in your outdoor room, specific projects he's worked on and their inspiration, where certain designs work. There's a lot of text in this book and it's all worth reading. I need to go back and reread the entire book, now that I'm done having a private temper tantrum about how awful the outdoors is in Mississippi.
I highly recommend Jamie Durie's The Outdoor Room to those who want new ideas for decorating, whether or not you plan to build an outdoor room, because I think it's great for inspiration inside and out, although it definitely fulfills its purpose in helping the reader to visualize his or her own outdoor room. One of my favorites is the exotic oasis in Seattle, which was inspired by Egyptian spaces but which looks very zen to me. Since we returned from Japan, my husband and I have been mulling ways to make our home reflect that sense of calm we got from the zen gardens and I think this book can help. Many thanks to Harper Design for the review copy of The Outdoor Room.

The next day, a sullen new girl shows up at school and Philippa tries to befriend her. After a rocky beginning, they eventually become fast friends and the new girl reveals that she's Philippa's fairy godmother (but that sounds strange, so they decide to call her a fairy godsister). I don't actually remember much beyond that. I just recall feeling disappointed. It's a cute book and it gets high ratings from its youthful intended audience -- middle readers, I think -- and their mothers. I recommend Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister to youngsters, in particular (Moms - it's a nice, clean read) and was happy that it broke my reading block temporarily, but it just didn't do much for me. Might have been the timing.

I absolutely could not put Flight to Heaven down, once I began to read it. Dale Black's story is stunning and he does a great job of making you feel like you were there. Although he does talk about eventually remembering that he'd gone to heaven, his description of heaven is a minor portion of the book (in fact, that was the part I enjoyed least and found myself skimming). Flight to Heaven focuses on his experiences, the emotions he felt and his determination to recover, as well as how he slowly regained missing memories. When you read about his injuries and how, after the plane crashed into a solid monument he fell 70 feet, you can't help but realize that it really is quite astounding that he survived at all.
The crash changed the author's life and made him determined to share his beliefs, so there's plenty about Christianity but he comes off as humble and a man of strong character rather than preachy. He admits to times he was too pushy about his beliefs and talks about how he learned from his mistakes. I'd recommend Flight to Heaven to anyone and everyone, if only because it's an excellent lesson in what positive thinking can do for an individual. Flight to Heaven was another e-book freebie. I didn't actually mean to read it but I hit the wrong image, read a sentence or two and couldn't stop, by the time I realized I was reading the wrong book. Highly recommended.

During the time that the housekeeper works for the professor, she and her son get to know him and he teaches them some math principles, a good portion of which I didn't follow. Some of the math was fascinating, but I mostly liked the rest of the story -- the building of the relationship between the odd trio of unnamed people and the denouement, which is not entirely unexpected but is still satisfying. I might have used a tissue or two while reading this book. While I found the math portions of The Housekeeper and the Professor down were a little dull, I think the story is a good one and I recommend it. I got my copy of The Housekeeper and the Professor from Paperback Swap.
©2011 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery and Babble or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email bookfoolery@gmail.com for written permission to reproduce text or photos.
Oooh! Jamie Durie is Rawwrrr! Flight to Heaven and The Housekeeper and the Professor are both on my wanna-get-my-grubby-paws-on-em list!
ReplyDeleteI bought The Housekeeper and the Professor eons ago. I have a feeling I'll even like the math parts.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine how much I loved The Housekeeper and the Professor, when I thought the math part of it made the book that much better? Math is always awesome (to me!)
ReplyDeleteLOL I've never seen his show but he's Australian? That and the photo are enough to make me breathe a little faster. The book is great, too. :)
I think you'll like both of those books when you get your mitts on them. Most everyone else seems to have liked The Housekeeper and the Professor better than I did, but I still liked it. I just wasn't in the mood for the math, I guess.
You probably will. The storyline is a good one. I usually like math and I think it's just that I wasn't in the right mood for the math bits but it was still a fun read.
Well, then, you'll probably love it. :) I love math, too. But, I read that in the midst of my slump and just enjoyed the story. I think my brain was too tired for math or my mood was wrong. Hard to say for sure, but it's a good book.
That Flight to Heaven sounds very intriguing.
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted an outdoor room but living in Utah, doesn't really work. Plus I'm just too lazy to maintain it.
ReplyDeleteI loved Flight to Heaven. I think it's one of the best books of that type (about people dying and having an after-life experience) that I've read -- oddly, because it was more about his determination to become whole again than it was about the visit to heaven. The author's story is really something.
Really? I would think Utah would be a better place for an outdoor room because of the dry air. But . . . I've never been to Utah, unless you count standing at the Four Corners, so I can't say I know that much about it. Here, we fight nature, year-round. All of us are fiercely allergic to poison ivy, now, and it's getting to be a major problem. But, anyway, the book is cool.
Jamie Durie has done pretty well for himself given where he started his career! He is definitely easy on the eyes!
ReplyDeleteI really need to see his show, some time. He's definitely nice to look at. :) Love the book, too.
The fairy godsister one sounds like a nice concept, too bad it was disappointing... I've been meaning to read The Housekeeper and the Professor for ages, glad you liked it!
ReplyDeleteFairy Godsister was disappointing to me, but it gets high ratings so it might have been my mood. I had a couple really slumpy reading months. The Housekeeper and the Professor is really sweet.
I so very much enjoyed Housekeeper and Professor. surprise, surprise. So where is this Japan blog that I don't know about!?! :)
ReplyDeleteWell, of course you did. Housekeeper and Professor is definitely a Care kind of book. The Japan blog is private but I can add you. Just tell me what email you want me to use (send privately, if you'd like). There's not much there, yet, but at least I finally posted, this week.
ok, I just sent an em to you. :)
ReplyDeleteGot it! Will respond shortly, Carrie. :)
ReplyDeleteJamie Durie is Hott. I'm just sayin'.