Saturday, July 06, 2013

Fiona Friday - A peaceful moment

I have had such a fabulous reading and family week that I completely forgot to even post a Fiona Friday photo!  Not a bad thing, if you ask me.  It's nice to be busy with family and great books.

The photo above was a nice, peaceful moment for Isabel.  She has had a difficult time adjusting to the kitten's presence.  We still have a long way to go but I'm more hopeful, today.  Poor Prissy was chased under the couch at least three times, this week.  Fiona is fine with Prissy, now.  She'll watch her but she no longer hisses at the kitten.  We bought a pheromone diffuser and put it outside the door of the kitten's room to try to help soothe Isabel but she was still attacking the door, as of yesterday.

Today, she's been sweet and sleepy.  I let Prissy play in the house (usually, she's closed into her own room for her protection -- can't remember if I've mentioned that) while Isabel slept on the kitty tree, twice.  Once, Isabel woke up while Prissy was playing nearby.  Izzy climbed down partway and I swept the kitten into my arms.  For once, Isabel's tail didn't fluff and there was no hissing.  That's a huge improvement over attacking the door.  :)

I hope everyone in the U.S. had a fabulous 4th of July and Happy Weekend to all!

©2013 Nancy Horner. All rights reserved. If you are reading this post at a site other than Bookfoolery  or its RSS feed, you are reading a stolen feed. Email for written permission to reproduce text or photos.


  1. I hope your kittens fall in love soon :) It's hard to bring a new family member in!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I hope so, too. I still have to wait for Izzy to fall asleep before I can let Prissy out, but I did a terrific job of wearing the little one out so she would go for a nice nap after her time running amok through the house. Kittens are nuts. :)

  2. Very gorgeous cat! It looks as if her eyes are two different colors.

    1. Thank you! I think she's a beauty, too, Suko. Her eyes are both a very pretty shade of green. Maybe the lighting makes them look different?


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