Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fiona Friday on the Wrong Day - Bad week for kitty

Poor Miss Fi was given a shot she's not supposed to get ever because of a known allergic reaction, plus an extra injection she didn't need because she doesn't go outside.  She had a rotten couple of days. Fiona is a high-energy kitty but she was just flat miserable and slept for the better part of two days, her neck badly swollen from the unnecessary injection, in spite of a shot of benadryl that was given to her when I realized what happened.  I can't even begin to tell you how happy I was when she finally returned to her normal, bouncy self and resumed following me from room to room. It was a scary 48 hours.

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  1. So glad she is back to her normal self! Amazing how much like kids they are huh?? <3

    1. Thanks, Debi! Yep, so similar. We worry just as much when our kitties are sick as when the kids are.

  2. So glad Fiona is well again. Allergic reactions are the worst, but she seems her normal, beautiful self in the lovely picture you took.

    1. Thanks, Bellezza! That photo was taken a few days before she got her shots but she's back to normal. She's a perky, happy girl.


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