Friday, October 21, 2016

Fiona Friday - Haunted

Seems like a decent time to post a photo of Izzy in her haunted house. I think we bought this last year, maybe the year before (and I noticed Target has brought them back). I had to do a little taping to keep it together but Izzy is still enjoying it. I keep the haunted house in my library and she's been spending a lot of time in it, lately. Apropos for October.

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  1. Cute! My kitties don't get a haunted house. Just an empty bag to play in.

    1. Mine have a haunted house (which Fiona doesn't really fit in), a castle, and a triangular hut. They really are spoiled. The haunted house is inexpensive. I think it was something on the order of $11-12. Not bad for a little playhouse retreat that has lasted at least a year. Isabel is in the haunted house, right now. I love that little jingle ball, too, because I can be turned toward the computer and I always know when she's climbing inside her haunted house. She can't avoid hitting the jingle ball on the way in.

  2. Cute! I don't have to buy things for the cats, they enjoy any box that is laying around. (Hopefully it is still they. *sigh* Still no Casey.)

    1. Oh, heck, nobody *has* to buy anything for cats. They're perfectly happy with plain boxes. I just like a change of pace and thought the haunted house was cool. Last night, the kitties both climbed into the castle I made for them. Fiona always jumps into the top level; Isabel went into the bottom level and they whacked each other through the slot I cut for them to go up and down from the inside. Then, Fiona jumped out through one of the crenellations and Izzy climbed to the upper level. It was fun to watch.

      I'm so sorry about Casey. I've been checking your FB timeline daily (sometimes several times) to see if you've found her. I keep hoping she'll show up.


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