Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday Malarkey

Recent arrivals:

  • Artful Memories by Jane Chipp and Jack Ravi
  • The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling
  • Round the Bend by Nevil Shute

All three of these were purchased and now I'm back on my book-buying ban, pinkie swear. 

Books finished since last Malarkey:

  • Black Brother, Black Brother by Jewell Parker Rhodes
  • Birds by Miranda Krestovnikoff and Angela Harding
  • The Eighteen-Carat Kid and Other Stories by P. G. Wodehouse
  • Fault Lines by Emily Itami
  • The Maid by Nita Prose
  • Three Things I Know Are True by Betty Culley

Currently reading:

  • Sisters of Night and Fog by Erika Robuck

I suspect the reason I've been picking this book up and putting it aside for weeks is because I feel like it started too far back in time, although it might just have been my mood. We're getting a ton of backstory about two women who apparently end up in concentration camps. There's the war timeline in WWII and a second timeline in 1995 in which two women are returning to the concentration camp. I'm about 1/3 of the way into the book and while there have been some exciting/tense scenes, I keep thinking, "When are we going to get to whatever they did to lead to their imprisonment? Where's the meat of the story?"

Having said all that, Erika Robuck's writing is stellar. I'm presuming the backstory for both women will all become relevant, at some point and after a couple weeks of it not being the right read for the moment, I'm finally really getting into it. 

The other books in which there are bookmarks have not been touched, this past 2 weeks, and some for much longer, so I'm thinking about clearing my Goodreads "Currently Reading" shelf and putting those other books back in the Currently Reading file when I get back to them, rather than having them linger and glare at me. 

Posts since last Malarkey:

Clearly, I still am not in the mood to review. Because Sisters of Night and Fog is a book I received from the publisher, I will review it when I finish it but I will likely just do a round-up post with the rest of the titles I've read in March. 

In other news:

I finished watching Being Erica and absolutely loved the way it was wrapped up (there are 4 seasons). If you're unfamiliar with it, Being Erica is a Canadian series about a 30-something gal whose life is a mess. She goes into therapy and her therapist has the ability to send her back in time to relive her regrets. So much fun.

I'm still watching Chicago Fire. I'm close to the end of Season 3. I don't know if there are still quite so many episodes per season but I'm on episode 21 of Season 3. Wow, that's a lot of episodes. I think the current season is something like the 14th, so I have a long way to go. 

We also watched Weekend at Bernie's, this weekend, after the whole Clarence Thomas thing ("Is he really alive or are they going to do a Weekend at Bernie's to keep the judicial slot?") and subsequent memes reminded us of what a fun movie it is. 

And, that's it. I confess to otherwise spending a bit too much time doomscrolling the news about Ukraine. They're using white phosphorous, now? OMG. I wish I could understand why we can't do more to help (you know, apart from trying to prevent WWIII or a nuclear attack). I just read President Biden's Warsaw speech, a few hours ago, and was mightily impressed but I felt like, "OK, now do the unity thing back home." By all accounts I've read (I read many news sites, not only American), Biden has been the unifying force the world needs, at this moment. Nice to know. 

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1 comment:

  1. I thought Black Brother, Black Brother was excellent. I liked the way the darker-skinned brother -- who was bullied -- chose to learn something new and challenge himself to beat his bully at his own game. It's inspiring.

    Oh, only Season 10! Well, I still have a long way to go. I only watch Fire, but occasionally I've dipped into Med. I don't think I've watched the PD version, except when one show has folded into another with a shared storyline.

    Yes, Ukraine is so depressing. I just read yesterday that 5,000 citizens have died in Mariupol and there aren't any buildings left at all that haven't been damaged. Hard to believe that Ukrainians were unfazed, a little over a month ago, not believing that they'd be attacked.


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