Friday, December 23, 2016

Fiona Friday - Ruffled

We've been purging, this week, and this is what you get when you leave a bin full of winter clothing open - a new cat bed. Isabel is looking a little ruffled because she'd just awakened from a nice nap on that green fleece. She had to give herself a few minutes to fully wake up before jumping out of her new bed.

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  1. I love rumpled cats! I call that state the "warm fuzzies".

    1. That's a neat name for it. It's sweet when they're all messed up after a nap, isn't it? So cute.

  2. Thank you! I think so, too, of course. :)

  3. Cats always are on the look out for a good bed. :)

    1. Yes, indeed! Funny thing about this one: I leaned over to pet Isabel on the head while she was in this bin and Fiona noticed. A while later, Fi got down off the bed and peeked into the bin. That evening, she climbed in and made herself at home. Isabel was not pleased and walked around and around the bedroom, trying to find another place to sleep but she just couldn't be satisfied. Finally, she jumped into the bin with Fiona, gave her a couple whacks, and Fiona left. I fixed Fi a nice spot in a laundry basket, though, so they've both been perfectly happy with their separate beds, ever since. Cats are so funny. :)


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