Friday, March 25, 2022

Fiona Friday

These are the only photos I've taken of the kitties, lately. I spend so much of my time watching Isabel (top) to see if she's still twitching (she is, unfortunately) that I forget to pick up my camera. She is energetic and lovable and eating well, but I'm worried out of my mind. Fiona is happy as ever. She still doesn't like being pilled and will clamp her teeth together but other than that she's incredibly easy to pill. Once I pry her jaws apart, I just pop the pill at the back of her mouth. I don't even have to pick her up or chase her down. I just walk right up to her, open her mouth, pop the pill in, and hand her her treats. If you're going to have to pill a cat for life, this is the kind of cat you want to end up pilling. 

Hope all are well. 

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  1. Sending you a (virtual) hug.

  2. You're kinda lucky, my cat is nearly impossible to pill. He will avoid me for the rest of the day. Glad she's still doing ok!

    1. Yes, I am very fortunate and thank you! I hope I never have to try to pill Isabel regularly because she is impossible to pill, as in screaming hissing claw machine. We managed to get her to eat pill pockets, for a while, but then one night I forgot to rustle the treat bag and she became suspicious. Sure enough, she never ate a pill pocket, again. Sigh. She's way too smart for her own good. But, hopefully the antibiotic shots she's been getting will finish off whatever's going on.

  3. Thanks! Her blood results were good so I'm feeling much more hopeful!

    Aw, I love tabbies. They're so sweet.


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