Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Some Days by Karen Kaufman Orloff and Ziyue Chen - Children's Day #4

Some days 
are chocolate pie days.
Kites up in the sky days.
Jumping super high days. [...]

Some days are hurt myself somehow days.
Icky . . . sticky . . . OW! . . . days.
Need my mommy now days. 

Some Days by Karen Kaufman Orloff and Ziyue Chen is a rhyming book that would make an excellent prompt for classroom or home discussion with little ones. Some days, the book shows, you have fun swimming, jumping, getting a puppy, playing dress-up, etc. But, other days are not so good. You can feel lonely, scrape a knee, get in trouble, have to run to catch the bus, or do chores you may or may not like.

I kind of wish I could copy the entire text of this book in this post because it does such a nice job of covering a lot of the types of fun activities and big disappointments that a child may have. The illustration that shows children stuck indoors on a rainy day when they'd rather be playing kickball reminded me that I used to keep a small pile of books on a high shelf in my eldest son's closet when he was little, just for rainy or sad days. That's what one of the things I think this book would be especially good for -- keeping up high to pull out on a grumpy day or a day the little one's stuck indoors and not happy about it.

Highly recommended - Each of the rhyming paragraphs above comprises a two-page spread, so the text is on the light side. Also great for thinking about the fact that there will be bad days, I think Some Days is especially useful for pulling out on a moody day, a sick day, or a stuck-indoors day to remind children that both good and bad things happen and even if you're having a bad day, good days will come.

Yet another wonderful book sent to me by Sterling Children's Books for review! My thanks to Sterling!

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