Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fiona Friday - Sisters investigating

These are among my earliest Christmas photos, before the tree was fully decorated and I put out the tree skirt. I love it when my two kitties hang out together. There was a chunk of glittery something that probably fell off one of the few ornaments on the tree. That's what the cats were checking out.  After snapping the photos, I pulled it away from them. Both cats have been known to eat miscellaneous things off the floor when I neglect the sweeping.

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  1. haha. Casey got into the garbage the other day, always fun, and she dug out the Styrofoam-like packages that meat comes in. Did a bit of damage before I caught her and cleaned up. I guess I missed a little piece, though, which she was playing with and got stuck to her claw. She could NOT get it off and I kind of was a mean cat-owner and laughed at her. (Really, served her right.) She finally got it off and flew through the entire house. Silly cat.

    1. Sounds familiar. Isabel has occasionally been so pained by curiosity that she's jumped into a trash can. Cats are so nutty. One thing's for sure; we're never lacking for entertainment, right?

  2. Love photos of the sisters. They're wonderful kitties.

    1. Thanks! They are very sweet together. Our last two kitties didn't like each other so we really appreciate how nicely Isabel and Fiona get along!!


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