Boy, can I relate. I know I had an attack of wobbly faith after finding out my friend's son was killed in Afghanistan, a couple of weeks ago. Besides loss, it sounds like the author's going to delve into all kinds of disappointment and unfulfilled hopes, both personal and larger in scope -- such as frustration with injustice. I'm really looking forward to reading Can God Be Trusted? Faith is one of my favorite Christian topics.
Anyway . . . babbling on. I can give away up to 5 copies, and lately I've just felt like going with the full tamale, so I'm going with 5. This may be my last giveaway for a while, since we're headed into the busy month of NaNoWriMo joy.
Wait! Must tell you a quick anecdote before we get to the rules. My husband just walked in the door and I said, "UPS drove right by, today!!" His response: "Oh, I'm sure they're just getting a bigger truck." Hahaha. I'm just trying to help the shipping industry stay alive, you know. Passing around a little book love can't hurt. ;)
Back to the giveaway . . .
O, Sister, Where Art Thy Requirements? (aka, "Rules"):
1. You MUST leave your email address or else!!! No email, no entry!!! I no longer chase down people who forget to leave an email address.
2. Live in the right place - Hatchette's giveaways are limited to residents of the U.S. and Canada. No P.O. Boxes.
3. Answer this question: Do you think it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy or simply when surrounded by those who don't believe in God? I'm just curious. I'll tally up the results and let you know.
4. Drawing will be held December 2, 2009 to avoid the Thanksgiving holiday. I'll probably give everyone a wee bit longer to respond, as well -- usually, I go with about 48-72 hours, these days. I highly advise either following this blog or my Twitter persona, "Bookfoolery" (where I cross-post announcements) to avoid missing out on the winners' list, in case a winning email goes astray. If you win and don't receive an email, just contact me at the email in my sidebar within the given time period.
While you're at it, check out my other giveaways:
Life After Genius by M. Ann Jacoby - ends Nov. 15
The Mosaic Bible in New Living Translation (1 certificate for a free copy) - ends Nov. 18
A Climate for Change by Hayhoe and Farley - ends Nov. 22
Just for grins, another anecdote:
Yesterday, Kiddo said he was soooo sleeeeepy, when he got home from school. I said, "Did you stay up late?" and he said, "I just didn't sleep well." Pause, pause. "But, at least I got 3 hours of sleep at school!"
Happy Reading!
Bookfool, whose teenage son occasionally makes her cringe
Well, I'm a deist--meaning I believe in a hands-off sort of God--so, no I actually don't find it harder to believe in the face of tragedy. And just because I believe in this laisez-faire sort of God doesn't mean I can't still draw strength from prayer.
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering me! j.t.oldfield[at]gmail.com
Cool answer, J. T. :)
ReplyDeleteNo sleeping in school! Tsk.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's a hard question. Tragedies tend to make me turn to my faith, other peoples opinions seldom sway me (although I'm hideously suggestible), I'd have to say that close reading of the Bible gives me the most pause.
I'm going to disqualify myself by not leaving an email address. How do you do that? I guess in the comments?
ReplyDeleteI just finished The Bible Salesman and it was interesting how the salesman, Henry, pointed out various contrasts in the Bible. I'd have to agree with you. We're studying David in Bible Study and my friend Sherry said, "We are reading the killingest Bible passages I think I've ever studied. I have a little trouble with that." LOL Yep.
You just don't leave an address. Good enough. Except, you're being a party pooper. I didn't say that.
When faced with personal tragedy, it is much harder for me to maintain my belief in God, especially if it is my child. This really tests my personal relationship with God. The question is always "Why"? Which doesn't have an answer and somehow we just need to continue believing without a reason.
ReplyDeleteI find it easier to maintain my faith when in a group of nonbelievers. They present a challenge to me to answer their questions/challenges and present rationales to support a belief in a God. They can't take away my belief since I own it and it is a strong part of my values and behaviors.
Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks
bstilwell12 at comcast dot net
I think it is harder to maintain faith if those around you don't have faith.
It could be either, but I think harder around those who don't have faith.
ReplyDeletedesertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I meant to sign up for this when I first read it, but I stopped to think about your question and forgot to return. First my email address:
ReplyDeleteemerging DOT paradigm AT yahoo DOT com.
Question: "Do you think it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy or simply when surrounded by those who don't believe in God?"
I was surprised when you said, "I had an attack of wobbly faith after finding out my friend's son was killed in Afghanistan, a couple of weeks ago." Nowhere does the Bible promise a person will have no more problems once they become Christians, so my answer is no. Think of it this way, that God doesn't promise you a rose garden, but does promise to be with you through life's problems.
The second part of your question asks if it's harder when surrounded by those who don't believe in God. No, most of the atheists and members of other religions are perfectly decent sorts who don't go around trying to destroy anyone's faith. I just go ahead and love them, no matter what their faith is.
Does that help? Or satisfy your curiosity? Would you be interested in having a deeper conversation with me on this subject?
I think it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy .Can God Be Trusted sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the things God has done in my life (my personal testimony, if you will), I have no problem maintaining my faith when surrounded by others who are not believers. On the other hand, *despite* the things God has done in my life, I often have a hard time maintaining my faith in the face of personal tragedy. I constantly have to remind myself that He hasn't fallen asleep on the job yet.
ReplyDeleteBTW, love your sense of humor!
tfakp at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteThank you!
It's just a curiosity thing. I've observed that the response to personal tragedy can be dramatic in one direction or another -- some lose faith completely, some draw closer to God. I just wondered how my readers felt about it. You'd think it would be easier to believe in a loving God when everything is sunshine and roses, but that's when I personally have the most difficulty.
Brandon's death really rocked me in a way I'm not accustomed to, but I do know why.
I think it's harder to maintain faith in the wake of a personal tradegy--we have a tendency to feel sorry for ourselves.
I think that it is harder to maintain our faith in times of personal tragedy. No matter how many times I wonder how things can be this bad, I still realize that the answers to all questions will be revealed to us in time. He is always there for us and has broad shoulders. Ours is a truly loving and forgiving God. These tragedies help me to see how much I do depend upon him.
ReplyDeletethank you,
Please enter me. walkerd@primus.ca
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy or simply when surrounded by those who don't believe in God? I find it is difficult under both circumstances, it hard to pick which one is more difficult.
ReplyDeleteEmail droverton (at) gmail (dot) com
Do you think it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy or simply when surrounded by those who don't believe in God?
ReplyDeleteNot sure if this is an "either-or" question, but if yes, then I'd pick the former--it's harder to maintain faith in the face of personal tragedy. It's the Job scenario--nothing tries a person's faith more than having something devastating hit you personally--especially those of us who were raised in faiths that espoused a punishing God. It's a true test of faith to believe that God is really watching over you, caring for you, when something horrible happens. It's just human to have doubts then, I think. I could really use this book--I'm trying to rebuild a faith after too many disappointments. Thank you!
I think it is just human nature to question God when adversity hits you.
People can maintain faith despite the people near them--just look at religious minorities.