But, hey, I got photos of a heron, some bamboo and magnolias. So, I had some fun, too. Not quite the same but life is funny that way.
Did someone ask me how I made the previous collage photo? I recall being asked somewhere, but now I can't figure out who asked me and where the question was posed. Just for the record, I used Picasa's collage feature and since I just figured it out this week, I'll be happy to share how to assemble a collage if there's someone who wants to know. I'm really tired, so you'll just have to forgive me for being a bubblehead.
I'm almost finished with Prescription for Adventure and began reading The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. Hopefully, a review of Prescription for Adventure will be posted by tomorrow evening.
Since hubby is going to have a very, very busy travel schedule, this summer, it occurred to me that I'd better quit being a hermit and reconnect with some old friends. On that note, I drove to Jackson, aka The Big City, to attend my old writers' group's monthly meeting, today. It was great to see old friends. Sadly, one of the ladies was at the vet with her favorite kitty, who is dying of kidney failure due to contaminated pet food. Please send positive thoughts and prayers to Penny.
Because the husband arrived home rather late and the youngster attended a dance that lasted till midnight - the former making an explosive mess and the latter arriving home so hyped up that it took two hours to settle down - we had a late night and I made the jaunt to The Big City alone. There is much to be said for a few hours of controlling your own destiny, including the ability to decide where to eat lunch. How pleasant. I forget what it's like to make your own decisions without anyone else's opinion involved, since I'm usually tied to someone else's schedule.
Poppet and I stopped by the spillway in order to attempt to spot herons. I plunked her in the sand and on rocks to pose. Poppets are much more accommodating about being posed than, say, family members, I've discovered. We had a merry little chase in order to try to pose her near a butterfly and it turns out butterflies are about as cooperative as family members. But, I had fun just following a butterfly through the clover. I'm not certain whether Poppet found it enjoyable; more than likely, she would have liked to hitch a ride. Hopefully, photos will be posted to Poppet's blog within the next few days.
May your weekend be restful and full of good reading,
I know what you mean about every decision you make is tied to another's opinion, including lunch and the like. When I began living alone, I felt as if I was engaging in anarchy when I set up my whole schedule to suit myself.
ReplyDeleteGlad your husband's back, safe and sound. Have a good rest of the weekend!
Oh no, now I've bookmarked another new blog! I can't wait to see more of Poppet's adventures! So cute!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it nice to sneak away every once in a while and pretend (at least for a few hours) that you are footloose and fancy free. Makes me feel like 'That Girl'. Of course, with gas prices the way they are, I usually only sneak away as far as my feet can take me. :)
ReplyDeleteI've actually never lived alone, not once. I went straight from nuclear family to dorm to on-campus married student apartments. I think that's one of my biggest regrets - not having ever taken the time to get to know my own habits as an individual, without someone sharing space with me.
Thanks, hubby's been in the kitchen making floury messes practically since the moment he got home. I'd be going insane if I hadn't gotten out for a day. :) Hope you have a terrific weekend!
Sorry, yes, another crazy blog. Thank you; Poppet and I have been having fun. We were planning to pose her on the table, with some of the olive oil the hubby brought back (and other things), but the only visible potions of our dining table are covered in pasta bits.
Yes, it was so great to sneak away. I almost never get out on my own and I decided I really needed to get back to at least that once-a-month meeting time. Gas prices are awful! But, I think the worst thing about the current gas prices is that people got used to them slowly. At least in our area, nobody seems to be switching over to small cars, like they did after Hurricane Katrina.
I would definitely walk if I could, but most of our roads have little or no shoulders (no sidewalks, apart from the old part of town - we live "in the county"). So, we really can't walk or ride bikes; it's just not safe. That's one thing I dislike about the area we live in.
Poor Penny! Losing a pet (especially in a way that is so unexpected)is horrific in a way I don't think our society totally acknowledges. I lost one of my childhood pets over the summer, and still miss him terribly. My thoughts are with your friend.
ReplyDeleteHey Bookfool, I just saw that you got a mention on Lisa Snellings-Clark's blog! Apparently she love's your new poppet blog! How cool! Wishing you all the best over the next week....see you after Mexico....or talk to you...or type to you...you know what I mean :D
ReplyDeletePour of tour,
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the loss of your pet. It's like losing a family member. I cried for weeks after my childhood cat died, even though I'd been away from home for several years. Thanks, I'm sure Penny can use all the positive thoughts she can get. :)
Hey Chris,
I made the irrational assumption that you were already gone! Thanks for telling me about Lisa's post. How cool is that? Hope you have a fabulous time in Mexico. I know what you mean. "See" you when you get back!!! :)
You DO have a very handsome husband! I remember seeing the David when I was in Florence, and being absolultely overwhelmed by it. Who knew a piece of marble could instill so much awe? Not me. Italy is just a country after my heart, and I'm glad your husband has a chance to be there, cooking no less.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, how do people who haven't won a poppet obtain one? I went to Poppet Planet, but I could only figure out how to buy a piece of artwork, and I would dearly love to buy a poppet for my desk. Any hints?
And, Picasa is neat, isn't it? Even a techno idiot like me can figure it out!
My husband went to England for almost a week and left me behind. The stinker. It wasn't feasible for me to have gone along, so I shouldn't feel so left out, but I mean, really, England? Somewhere I've wanted to go my whole life?
ReplyDeleteBut I'm trying to get over it. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you. When we were dating (and then a young couple), people often asked me how on earth I "caught" such a tall, handsome man because I'm of average looks and height. I always told them the truth, "He followed me around like a puppy until I gave in." LOL
I've wanted to go to Italy all my life. It still sucks, IMHO.
The artist only offers her poppets for sale a few times per year - I'm not sure how often, but she has a blog and you could probably ask her at her blog (or I'll be glad to). Chris of Stuff As Dreams Are Made On posted a link when Lisa began her most recent Poppet sale at eBay and that's how I got mine. I assume it takes her time to produce and paint them all. I'll probably post a link the next time she puts them up for sale. They're awful darn cute, aren't they?
Oh, yes, Picasa is wonderful - nice and easy!!! Some of us need that!
My husband has been so many places without me that I can't even begin to count them all. Last year, he went to Hawaii. He went to Germany two or three times and brought my mother and his mother some of the lovely wooden "smokers", but didn't give me a single one. He occasionally goes to Monterey, California and frequently to New Hampshire. I could go on all day. Tomorrow morning, he leaves for St. Louis, then he'll go to Australia, next (yes, without me). It sucks being left behind. Having obligations that force you to stay behind doesn't make it any easier. :)
Add my prayers for your friend Penny. That entire nightmare has had my stomach in absolute knots at times. I'm sorry she lost a dear friend to such human greed and idiocy.
Thanks, CJ.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It baffles me how such a thing could happen. Maybe we need to manufacture our own products instead of buying everything from China.
How lovely to have had some of your 'own' time and a bit of an adventure. I never appreciated those times until they were available to me so rarely. Your husband looks like he is having a wonderful time!
ReplyDeleteIt was really great getting out alone, Tara. I'm so accustomed to being tied to when my son has swimming or gets out of school, etc., that I honestly forget what it's like to just do my own thing.
ReplyDeleteHubby had a blast. And, now he's in St. Louis. Raspberries to him.
It was me. I asked how you make that collage, although now I don't remember where I asked! I don't use Picasa, but I bet PaintShopPro has something similar. I'll have to ask my hubby.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, I love my husband, but I do enjoy my "alone" time. Good for you for getting out and about on your own! And for reconnecting with your group of writer friends.
Hey, Bellezza's been to Italy. We should hire her as our tour guide and take a girl's trip over!!
Your hubby knows everything, but I think you can download Picasa for free. It's a nice program for people who aren't very tech-savvy (not that I would know anyone like that . . ).
ReplyDeleteThanks, yeah, I need some alone time. I often forget that and it probably explains my constant battle with depression - I don't get out enough! Silly me. It was so great to hang out with old friends.
Yep, let's hire Bellezza. Definitely. :)
Bookfool and Les, when should we start? The only problem would be coming home (as in we'd probably like to stay)!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely want to stay. I've seen my husband's photos of dark men in snazzy suits. ;)
ReplyDeleteI have the same laundry strewing problem with Jon. How does it cross cultures like that??
ReplyDeleteIt could be because men are, in fact, really all from Mars. :)
Poor Penny. I hope the FDA gets the funding they need so they can add and quit cutting back. It's scary, and not just for pets.
ReplyDeleteNo collage? Did he ask you to take it down? I should've take a picture of the huge mess my Dad made in the kitchen while my mom was in the hospital- grilling a steak. On the outdoor barbeque. Evidently he needed every pot, pan and plate in the house to set it up. Men. Mars, or maybe demonic imps.
Glad you got away for some Me time! It's indispensable for mental health.
ReplyDeleteI agree; the FDA is not of much use to us, right now. I hardly ever touch beef because I certainly don't trust them to protect us from mad cow.
I wondered if that collage was just not showing up at my end. No, I didn't take it down; I'm not sure what happened! I'll remove it and add it back to see if that fixes the problem.
That's so funny about your dad's cooking. My husband seems to also have a pathological inability to keep the implements light. Plus, he likes fancy pots that require hand-washing. Not I. When I cook, I want to mix in one bowl and cook in one pan (if possible). And, it has to be able to go in the dishwasher!
Me time is definitely essential; I was a wreck for many years and I'm sure it's because I pretty much never got out alone.